viernes, 8 de enero de 2016

Camel Activa Freshness (Azul)

La otra versión de los Activa de Camel es un poco más "fuerte". Contiene más alquitrán, nicotina y monóxido de carbono. El sabor es el mismo, el olor se queda en la ropa y en los dedos pero no por mucho tiempo, basta con unos 10 minutos para que desaparezca por completo. El filtro es café y no blanco, y es por eso que son un poco mas "fuertes". Las características generales son las mismas. Igual me gustan bastante, prefiero estos a los blancos, ya que no se nota que estas fumando un cigarro mentolado.

  • Cada cajetilla cuesta $47 y contiene 20 cigarros
  • Rara vez los encuentro sueltos, no los venden en todos lados
  • Puedo decirles que su diseño es mas "varonil"



1 comentario:

  1. In this fashion my partner Wesley Virgin's tale begins in this SHOCKING AND CONTROVERSIAL VIDEO.

    You see, Wesley was in the military-and soon after leaving-he unveiled hidden, "SELF MIND CONTROL" tactics that the CIA and others used to obtain whatever they want.

    THESE are the exact same SECRETS many famous people (especially those who "come out of nothing") and top business people used to become rich and famous.

    You probably know that you utilize only 10% of your brain.

    That's mostly because the majority of your brain's power is UNTAPPED.

    Perhaps that thought has even taken place INSIDE OF YOUR very own head... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's head about seven years back, while driving a non-registered, beat-up garbage bucket of a car with a suspended license and with $3 on his debit card.

    "I'm very fed up with going through life paycheck to paycheck! When will I finally make it?"

    You've been a part of those those types of questions, ain't it right?

    Your success story is waiting to start. You just need to take a leap of faith in YOURSELF.

